Mohali (Face2News)
For the election of NRI Sabha Punjab President, the draft electoral roll of NRIs of district unit SAS Nagar has been prepared in accordance with the provisions contained in the constitution of NRI Sabha Punjab.
Additional Deputy Commissioner (G)-cum-Electoral Registration Officer NRI Sabha Punjab district unit SAS Nagar Mrs. Sakshi Sawhney said that copy of this draft roll is available in her office/central office of NRI Sabha and on the website of NRI Sabha Punjab If any member has any claim/objection against the draft electoral roll, he may submit the same in her office before the due date in shape of forms A, B or C or as may be appropriate available at my office or on website of the NRI Sabha.
Mrs. Sawhney said that every such claim or objection should either be presented in my office or sent by post on or before January 14, 2020. Pertinent to mention that the election of President of NRI Sabha Punjab, would be held on March 7, 2020.