

January 13, 2023 09:21 AM

Raj Sadosh/Abohar/Ahmedabad.

Mahant Swami Maharaj initiated 58 BAPS youths into the monastic order in a grand initiation ceremony at Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar.

Together with the ordination of 46 youths as parshads recently, this marks a total of 104 youths from around India and the world receiving ordination from Mahant Swami Maharaj on the occasion of Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Centenary Celebrations. The date held extra historical significance as it was exactly 83 years ago today that Pramukh Swami Maharaj himself was ordained by his guru, Shastriji Maharaj, the founder of BAPS, in Gondal.

Of the 58 youths initiated 30 are engineers, 6 post graduates,19 graduates, two MBAs and an architect. Five are from America, 7 from Maharashtra, and 46 from Gujarat.

Akshardham Gandhinagar chief Anandswarup Swami, said, “Of the 1159 swamis in BAPS, there are 10 doctors, 12 MBAs, over 70 with master’s degrees, over 200 engineers, and over 700 graduates. 55 are British citizens, 70 are American citizens, 125 were the only son and 35 were the only child of their parents.

Akshardham Gandhinagar chief Anandswarup Swami, said, “Of the 1159 swamis in BAPS, there are 10 doctors, 12 MBAs, over 70 with master’s degrees, over 200 engineers, and over 700 graduates. 55 are British citizens, 70 are American citizens, 125 were the only son and 35 were the only child of their parents.

Jitendriya Swami, from New York said, “Now that I am serving God, I have no worries about my family, as they will be well looked after by God himself.” 

Keshavchintan Swami, from Philadelphia, said, “There are thousands of people in the world who have degrees like mine. But the opportunity to serve a guru like Mahant Swami Maharaj is indeed rare and invaluable”.

Gunvaibhav Swami, said, “It is their selfless life that inspires me to take this path of renunciation, service and devotion.”

Shweta Patel, sister of Gurumay Swami from New Jersey US, said, “Now, every Rakshabandhan day, I will tie a rakhi to Thakorji, knowing that my brother is in the service of God.I have now got 1100 brothers.”

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