Shri S L Thaosen, IPS, DG BSF launched a mobile app "BSF ATTARI" on Google Play store for the visitors/spectators coming to witness the remarkable Retreat Ceremony Parade at JCP Attari, Amritsar This mobile app has been developed by BSF Punjab Frontier, in order to facilitate the convenience of visitors by allowing them to book seats with their mobile phone.
The app has all the features of website attari.bsf.gov.in and contains basic information like timings of the Retreat ceremony, link for location of place and nearby tourist places
Earlier, on 05th Dec' 2022, Shri Pankaj Kumar Singh, IPS former DG BSF had launched a website attari.bsf.gov.in for the public visiting the JCP Attari for witnessing Retreat Ceremony Parade. The website ensures security at the venue and convenience for the audience, who can book their seats at the stadium / arena. The website is in use and more people are booking and reserving their seats at the venue.
In course of time, only those who have booked their seats through the website / app will be allowed to visit the stadium/arena at JCP Attari.