

June 29, 2023 11:23 AM


Under One Week One Lab (OWOL) campaign, the Stakeholders Meet for Jal Jeevan Mission and Waste to Wealth was conducted successfully at CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh.

The event aimed to demonstrate and disseminate the innovations and breakthrough technologies to the common people and relevant stakeholders working at public and private offices, thereby undertakingthe translation of relevant technologies from Lab-to-Land through synergistic efforts of public-private institutions. The vision is to impact the bottom of the pyramid/grassroots level and generate socio-economic-environmental impact.

Mayor Chandigarh Shri Anup Gupta inaugurated the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) IoT-Pilot Test-Bed at 9.45 AM in the august presence of Smt. Anindita Mitra, Commissioner Chandigarh, Mayor Mohali Shri Amarjit Singh Sidhu, Dr Atul Narayan Vaidya, Director (CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur), Prof.S.Anantha Ramakrishna, Director (CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh), Dr Jatinder Kaur Arora, (Executive Director, Punjab state Council for Science and Technology-PSCST), Prof.Bhola Ram Gurjar, Director (NITTTR, Chandigarh), Dr Arvind Kumar President & Founder, India water Foundation.

The project is a part of the partnership between CSIR and National Jal JeevanMission (NJJM), Ministry of Jal Shakti (MoJS), Deptt of Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation (DDWSS), New Delhi. It is aPAN-India Program meant to be implemented in 115 Clusters covering different States/UTs impacting the lives of thousands of village households. 

The JJM-IoT Pilot Test Bed is created to test and certify standards of various IoT-architecture, including hardware and software for further deployment in the real world scenario for rural Water Service Delivery Monitoring and Smart Cities for Urban sectors.

The project is a part of the partnership between CSIR and National Jal JeevanMission (NJJM), Ministry of Jal Shakti (MoJS), Deptt of Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation (DDWSS), New Delhi. It is aPAN-India Program meant to be implemented in 115 Clusters covering different States/UTs impacting the lives of thousands of village households.

The program aims to ensure safe and adequate supply of water, at least 55 LPCD to each housholds though fully functionalhouse hold tap connections and program by CSIR, in particular, will monitor water service delivery using Affordable IoT enabled Architecture.

The inauguration was followed by a Stakeholders Meet at Convention Hall with the opening inaugural remarks by Prof Ramakrishna, Director CSIO. He extended warm welcome to Mayor and Commissioner Chandigarh, Mayor Mohali, Director NEERI, Executive Director PSCST, Prof Gurjar, President Water Foundation and other delegates of the Program. He felt overwhelmed with the proactive response from all the stakeholders, especially the Mayor and Councillors of Chandigarh and Mohali,who are public figures and directly connects to the common man.

It was followed by the online message from Special Invitee, Director Jal Jeevan Mission (IV) Shri Pradeep Singh Ji.

Next Dr Atul Vaidya, Director NEERI, delivered key-note address as a Chief Guest. Subsequently, the guest of Honours, Shri Anup Gupta, Mayor Chandigarh, Smt. AninditaMitra, Commissioner Chandigarh, Dr Jatinder Kaur Arora, Director PSCST, Prof BholaGurjar, Director NITTTR, and Dr Arvind Kumar, President Water Foundation delivered address in the Stakeholders Meet.

Dr Babankumar S. Bansod, Senior Principal Scientist and event Coordinator presented details of CSIR- National Jal Jeevan Mission Project, Affordable IoT Enabled Water Service Delivery Measurement and Monitoring Sensing System for Rural Deployment.

He informed that CSIR Team developed indigenous, affordable, energy efficient and field usable IoT architecture comprising sensors, IoT modules, Cloud & Data Analytics and Dashboard visualisation. He told that the technology will upscale to 115 Clusters on PAN-India basis and will provide handholding to Industry Collaborators. He also informed that the concerned States/UTs will be provided capacity building and skilling after the transfer of IoT Pilot Ownership in Rural areas so they can undertake Operation and Maintenance of these latest technologies on their own.

He stated that these indigenous technologies developed in-house by CSIR Labs can save hundreds of crores of foreign exchange besides generating employment as these will be locally manufactured in line with the make in India initiative, and their repair and replacement will be possible without long breakdown time. Dr Bansod also stated that the implementation of the program created huge socio-economic and environmental impact, including saving of non-revenue water losses (NRWs), timely availability of water quality and quantity data, prevent tampering of the meters, leakage detection, advance statistics include demand and consumption of water forecasting, and finally will bring necessary behaviour changes in the users about water.

Talks by other experts followed it, Dr Mondal covering wastewater treatment.Ms Urvashi and Dr Pankaj Mourya spoke on Waste to Wealth, including vermicomposting and energy-efficient energy burners,respectively.

The event also held Panel discussions covering Jal Jeevan Mission and Waste to Wealth to ponder upon the merits, and demerits of the latest state of the art, thereby providing a future road map from the Indian context.

The meeting ended with the Vote of Thanks by Head BDG, Shri Narinder Singh Jassal.

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