Prime Minister Narender Modi....Khata Khat...outs.,, claim Priyanka Gandhi in a massive congress Rally on Sunday. Pawan Bansal, who also joined Priyanka extends compliments for Manish Tiwari and appealed to voters to cast votes in favour of Congress Nominee Manish Tiwari.
While addressing memmoth public gathering at Sector 27 Ram Lila Ground, she fierce attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Chandigarh. Priyanka gave a speech lasting more than 35 minutes, in which she directly targeted Modi multiple times. Let’s find out the issues on which Priyanka lashed out at PM Modi.
Priyanka also said that unemployment is the biggest issue in the country today. In PM Modi's 10-year tenure, people have only received unemployment. Priyanka said, "Today, despite being educated, the youth are not getting jobs. But still, PM Modi never speaks on this issue.
Priyanka Gandhi first spoke about the city of Chandigarh. She said, "This is the city that Pandit Nehru once called a symbol of democracy. This is the city that is perhaps unlike any other city in the world. This city was planned by a very prominent foreign architect. This city still thrives and flourishes today. It is a major center of the country, from where the nation is guided."
Priyanka also said that unemployment is the biggest issue in the country today. In PM Modi's 10-year tenure, people have only received unemployment. Priyanka said, "Today, despite being educated, the youth are not getting jobs. But still, PM Modi never speaks on this issue.