Ahead of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha elections, Mr. Laxman Goyal staked claim for the Panchkula Assembly seat from the Indian National Congress party. The leaders expressed this over a Press Conference’ held in Sector 16, Panchkula today. Divulging details, Mr. Laxman said that if party gives him ticket he will surely ensure victory with the support of the local residents. He added that the candidature must be given to a local resident to seal the seat in the elections.
While interacting with the media, Mr. Goyal said that during the campaigns he would make people aware of the work done by the party across sectors and voice raised by the party leaders at the national level for public welfare and rights.
Expressing his strong candidature for the seat, the leaders said that he has been associated with the Congress party since 1976 and has given his best for the party in various elections held in Punjab and Haryana adding that he has been living in Panchkula for the last 26 years and enjoys cordial relations with the city residents. Mr. Goyal has also been the patron of Akhil Bhartiye Aggarwal Sammelan, Chairman Caring Hand Charitable Foundation, Former Director Punjab State Power Corporation limited PSPCL, Punjab which strengthens his candidature as all the associations have shown great faith in him.
Attacking the opposition parties for neglecting the people’s concerns and issues, Mr. Goyal said, why people are not willing to speak openly and oppose against any misdoing, why the potholes and roads get repaired in monsoon Season, what quality material is used in roads that it doesn’t last for even one season? He also spoke about the burning issues of 14.5 acres of Green belt (Mango orchard in Sector 20) being auctioned and turning into a concrete jungle.
Attacking the opposition parties for neglecting the people’s concerns and issues, Mr. Goyal said, why people are not willing to speak openly and oppose against any misdoing, why the potholes and roads get repaired in monsoon Season, what quality material is used in roads that it doesn’t last for even one season? He also spoke about the burning issues of 14.5 acres of Green belt (Mango orchard in Sector 20) being auctioned and turning into a concrete jungle.
Condemning the party in power for the move, Mr. Goyal said, if green belts are being destroyed for personal benefits then why Prime Minister Flagship programme like “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam” is being promoted? Is it mere a photo op to fool the people of the country?
While addressing the public during the meeting, he assured the people that he is keen on getting the ticket to work for the welfare of the people of Panchkula and for the progress of the state. Mr. Goyal said, “My aim to be in politics is to fulfil my mission of working for public welfare, progress, prosperity and well-being. I have been an active member of various associations and organisations since I have always wanted to serve the people of my city in evert capacity.
Expressing his commitment and dedication towards the people of the area, he added that being from Panchkula, residents can visit him whenever they want for the redressal of their grievances, assuring that he would ensure the complaints related to the city and public are resolved at the earliest.
During the public gathering Mr. Goyal touched upon major issues of the area which included Cattle menace in the city, Law & order deterioration due to drug menace, Neglecting of Government School and promotion of Private ones, Deteriorated condition of city roads, Business’s community under stress and fear, No new industry leading to unemployment, and all other issues that concerned the locals.
On this occasion senior Congress officials Krishna Nanha, Trustee of Aggarwal Charitable Trust, Panchkula Madan Gopal Goyal, Head of Sector 15 Market Committee Vijay Sharma, Pradeep Gandhi and Ramesh Pappu old Panchkula, Balbir Chaudhary, Devinagar, Ramkumar, Rattewali, Ramkaran former Sarpanch Tibbi, Nitin Singla, Sanjeev Goyal, Jai Parkash Singla, Dr. Vinay Bansal, Deepak Bansal, Aman Goyal, Tajinder Goyal, Rajesh Goyal, Harpreet Singh, Sadashiv Tiwari, Ramkaran Ramgarh, Bhim Singh Sector 28 along with Congressmen were present.