In a significant move towards fostering collaboration between the National Cadet Corps (NCC) and the Chandigarh Police, Maj Gen Jagdeep Singh Cheema, Additional Director General, NCC Directorate for Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh & Chandigarh, had a productive meeting with Sh. Surendra Singh Yadav, IPS, Director General of Police (DGP), Chandigarh, at the UT Police Headquarters today.
The two senior officers engaged in a detailed, result-oriented discussion aimed at exploring avenues for enhanced cooperation between the NCC and Chandigarh Police. A key highlight of the meeting was the DGP's proposal to extend training to NCC Cadets in traffic management, a valuable initiative by the UT Traffic Police to equip the cadets with essential skills in road safety and traffic discipline. The ADG NCC welcomed this initiative, noting its potential to benefit both the cadets and the larger community.
In a gesture of goodwill and further collaboration, Maj Gen Cheema also invited DGP Surendra Singh Yadav to attend the upcoming flag-off ceremony of the NCC Cycle Rally, scheduled to take place in early 2025. The rally, with the theme "Bharat Ke Veer: Ek Shaurya Gatha," will start from Hussainiwala and culminate in New Delhi. The event will commemorate the bravery and sacrifices of India's heroes, with cadets and participants representing the nation's spirit of patriotism and valour.
In a gesture of goodwill and further collaboration, Maj Gen Cheema also invited DGP Surendra Singh Yadav to attend the upcoming flag-off ceremony of the NCC Cycle Rally, scheduled to take place in early 2025. The rally, with the theme "Bharat Ke Veer: Ek Shaurya Gatha," will start from Hussainiwala and culminate in New Delhi. The event will commemorate the bravery and sacrifices of India's heroes, with cadets and participants representing the nation's spirit of patriotism and valour.
Both officers expressed their commitment to further strengthening the partnership between the NCC and the Chandigarh Police, with the goal of contributing to national development and youth empowerment.