The Special Judicial Magistrate for CBI cases at Panchkula, Haryana has sentenced three accused private persons namely Sugendhra, Sandeep Jain and Kundan Gupta to 01 year’s Imprisonment with total fine of Rs. 15,000/- in a bank fraud case.
CBI had registered the instant case on 18.03.2019 against accused Subhash Chand then Proprietor of M/s S.C. Enterprises & others on the basis of complaint of Syndicate Bank, Gurgaon, alleging use of false and fabricated documents by M/s S. C. Enterprises through its proprietor Sh. Subhash Chand and others for availing the ODH facility from the bank. The loan account was declared as fraud on 29.11.2017 with an outstanding amount of Rs. 527.29 lakh. The main accused Subhash Chand expired during the investigation on 10.04.2020. .
After completion of investigation, CBI filed chargesheet on 24.03 2022 against accused including those convicted. The Court, after trial, found accused guilty and sentenced them accordingly.