

March 10, 2025 07:23 PM


Chandigarh Administration has approved the new Excise Policy for the year 2025-26 and has been put in public domain. The new Excise Policy aims at balancing the aspirations of the consumers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and the Government. Some of the salient features of this Policy are:

The allotment of Retail Vends of Liquor will be made through e-tendering system for transparency. E-auction starts from 13.03.2025 onwards. Quota of IMFL has been kept same and, quota of Country Liquor & Imported Foreign Liquor (BIO) has been marginally increased due to increased demand.

Participation fees for vend auction has been same i.e. Rs. 2,00,000/- Total 97 licensing units will be auctioned by the Excise Department and each licensing unit shall consist of one retail sale vend only.

To facilitate the stakeholders and to minimize the time in approval of label/ brand registration, auto-approval of labels already approved in last year, has been kept online.

Inter Vend transfer of stock allowed between two vends who registered under a single person/ entity/ company/ firm against a reasonable stock transfer fee.Quota of Country Liquor & Imported Foreign Liquor has been more rationalize keeping in view of the consumption as per area. Export fee marginally increased.

Penalty for non-maintenance of Minimum Rates by retail vends has been kept stringent with closure of retail vend for 3 days for each detected violation. License would not be renewed in case of multiple violations adjudicated against the licensee.

Participation fees for vend auction has been same i.e. Rs. 2,00,000/- Total 97 licensing units will be auctioned by the Excise Department and each licensing unit shall consist of one retail sale vend only.Now, bar licensees allowed to procure their supplies of all type of liquor from the retail sale vends i.e. L-2/L-14A licensees of U.T., Chandigarh after payment of requisite excise levies.

A Track & Trace system has been made mandatory for the policy year to prevent illegal liquor sales and ensure proper tracking of inventory.

These enforcement measures will not only curb malpractices, but also secure level playing and competitive field for all the stakeholders Provisions regarding L-1F licenses have been made more stringent now every L-1F Licensees have to submit valid IEC for the policy year & the details of inward & outward supplies from custom bonded warehouse shall be registered on the prescribed excise portal.

Also, the distance of L-1F premises (godown) should be minimum of 100 meter from the respective custom approved bonded warehouse and custom bonded warehouse shall be situated within U.T., Chandigarh only instead of anywhere in India.

Licensee i.e. Microbrewery & B.W.H.-2 are to get the quality of its liquor/ beer tested from a Government approved Lab on quarterly basis.

Now, bar licensees allowed to procure their supplies of all type of liquor from the retail sale vends i.e. L-2/L-14A licensees of U.T., Chandigarh after payment of requisite excise levies.

Every vehicle used for export/ import of liquor consignment must be equipped with GPS system.

Permit Revalidation Fee has been reduced. The Excise Policy, 2025-26 has been uploaded on the website of Excise Department i.e.

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