Ganesh Chaturthi was celebrated with gaiety at Tantia University. Idol installation and ritualistic worship was performed. Vice Chairman Dr. Mohit Tantia, Ameesha Tantia, Executive Director KS Sukhdev attended the special ritual organized at Ayurveda College. Principal Dr. Subhash Upadhyay, university staff and students were present.
The Ganesh Mahotsav for the first year MBBS students of Tantia Medical College, Hospital and Research Center will continue till September 4. On the first day, they displayed their faith by dancing to the bhajans in the university campus.
Dr. Praveen Mehta said that there will be special aarti in the morning and evening. At the time of installation of the idol at Tantia Charitable De-addiction and Rehabilitation Centre, Counsellor-Psychologist Dr. Manish Baghla, congratulated the students and staff on the occasion of the festival and wished everyone a happy life.