

May 06, 2023 09:14 PM


In a major breakthrough under the leadership of Sh. Ketan Bansal, IPS, SP-Cyber, UT, Chandigarh, under close guidance of Sh. A Venkatesh, DSP/Cyber Crime  IT UT, Chandigarh and supervision of Inspector Sh. Ranjit Singh SHO Police Station-Cyber Crime,  Sec.17, Chandigarh, Two (2) accused have been arrested in OLX Fraud Case.

Case FIR No. FIR 11 dated 02.02.2023 U/S 419 ,420, 120B, 467, 468, 471 IPC PS- Cyber Crime, Chandigarh

The present case has been registered on the complaint of Sh. Sahil Ali R/O 229 MC Dahnas Sector 14, Chandigarh in which he reported that he saw an advertisement on OLX Application of a Alto K10 car which was posted by a person namely Ashok Gupta who impersonate himself as a CRPF Army Officer. Further he told that he was transferring from Chandigarh to Jaipur and wanted to sell his Alto K10 Car. He will ship the car from Jaipur to Chandigarh through Indian Army Transport service. After negotiation he was asked to deposit Rs-5200/- in HDFC bank account as shipping and delivery charges. He deposited the said amount on the assurance of alleged. He again received a call from a different number and the caller asked him to deposit more money i.e. Rs 15000/- as shipping charged. Later on, he got suspicious and found that he got scammed by fraudsters on the pretext of selling of a Alto 10 Car on OLX. After that the present case has been registered. 

During the investigation it has found that there are huge number of complaints of Olx fraud have been received in Police Station Cyber Crime with same modus operandi. In all  complaints fraudster imposed himself as Army, CRPF, Navy, Air force & CISF official and using fake DP of Army, CRPF, Navy etc. personal to cheat the innocent people.

They imposed that due to transfer/posting they cannot carry items/Goods i.e. Car, refrigerator, Furniture, Scoter, Washing machine etc and they want to sell these items on very cheap prices. On this, people believed/trust on them as they are honest and Govt Official.

As per the past experience it is found that whenever any police from any state conduct raid in this area there is conflict between the residence and police party. They are also habitual to attack on Police Party & Govt. Vehicles. The streets of villages are narrow and it is very difficult to catch the fraudster from the village. Maximum residents of the village are using Olx application for committing the cyber Crime. Whenever any police party raid to their village they already got information from their sources i.e. sitting out side village  etc and cheaters hide themselves in the nearby Jungle and Mountain area.

To apprehend fraudster involved in Olx fraud an operation under the head of “Cyber Swachta Mission” has been started and a big team of official from Police Station Cyber Crime, headed by Insp Ranjit Singh, SHO-Cyber Crime along with 37 police officials of Police Station Cyber Crime sent to District Bhartpur, Rajasthan. During further investigation, on the basis of technical surveillance and scrutiny of the documents & analysis of the Olx fraud complaints and investigation of above said case, it has been found that the scammers of Olx frauds are belongs to village Gamadi, Distt Bhartpur, Rajasthan. A raid was conducted at Village Gamdi (Hub of OLX cheaters), DisttBharatpur (Rajasthan). 

To apprehend fraudster involved in Olx fraud an operation under the head of “Cyber Swachta Mission” has been started and a big team of official from Police Station Cyber Crime, headed by Insp Ranjit Singh, SHO-Cyber Crime along with 37 police officials of Police Station Cyber Crime sent to District Bhartpur, Rajasthan. During further investigation, on the basis of technical surveillance and scrutiny of the documents & analysis of the Olx fraud complaints and investigation of above said case, it has been found that the scammers of Olx frauds are belongs to village Gamadi, Distt Bhartpur, Rajasthan.

A raid was conducted at Village Gamdi (Hub of OLX cheaters), DisttBharatpur (Rajasthan). After the sincere efforts of the team of Police Station Cyber Crime, Two main Kingpin of OLX fraud cases named (1) Abdul Kayyum S/o Samma R/o Village Gaonri District Bhartpur, Rajasthan Aged- 34 Yrs (2) Iqbal S/O Sattar R/o Village Bismbra, District Mathura, Ages-40 Yrs have been arrested in the above said case from village Gamadi, Distt- Bharatpur (Rajasthan).

On the discloser statement of accused persons a searched movement conducted in Village Gamdi. Total 15 mobile phones, 04 SIM cards, 11 ATM cards, 01 Modem have been recovered. The accused produced before the Hon’ble court and (04) days police remand of accused have been obtained. The details of recover mobile phones and SIM cards is being shared to I4C (Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre) (MHA) for linkage of other state FIR & complaints. The investigation of the case is going on.

know the accused:  Abdul Kayyum S/o Samma R/o Village Gaonri District Bhartpur, Rajasthan, Aged- 34 Yrs – Qualification- 5th Class, Total 04 cases of fraud found registered against the above accused in other state.

Iqbal S/O Sattar R/o Village Bismbra, District Mathura, UP, Aged -40 Yrs. – Uneducated.

 Total two cased found registered against the above accused i.e. one of Arms Act and one of U/s 307 IPC 

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