Raj Sadosh
Abohar: Giving a call to lakhs of her fans across the world to rise to the occasion, Miss America Washington Shree Saini said today, “Let us have the hearts to share and give to those in needs. There is a lot of need in our world right now. There are many families who have lost their jobs due to the virus and are in need of food and supplies.If you are able to and are allowed to under your community’s guidelines and follow all of the social distancing recommendations, I encourage you to donate food to your local food banks.”Motivating her fans and friends for a noble cause, Shree further said, “You can also donate online to your local food banks, local nonprofits or donate to nationwide charities. We need to take action to create change; we cannot just have good thoughts in our hearts.I hope everyone is staying safe and by taking preventive measures”
Referring to the situation triggered by coronavirus, Shree said, “I called my local food bank to ask them for the specific food items they needed. I went grocery shopping and took all the necessary precautions - I wore gloves, a face mask, and stayed 6 feet away from everyone. I donated nearly 100 lbs. of food to the Community Food Bank in Ellensburg, Washington.”
Motivating her fans and friends for a noble cause, Shree further said, “You can also donate online to your local food banks, local nonprofits or donate to nationwide charities. We need to take action to create change; we cannot just have good thoughts in our hearts.I hope everyone is staying safe and by taking preventive measures”
She exhorted people to stayhomeforthe World family, healthcare workers, essential supplies workers, government officials, recovering patients and for the safety and health of everyone adding that she was thankful to Miss World Chairwoman Mrs. Julia Morley, Steve Douglas Miss World 2019 Toni Ann Singh for spreading the message of compassion, love and hope. We are in this together, while apart, she said.