The Indiana India Business Council on Wednesday presented the prestigious “Indiana Ratna” (Jewel of Indiana) award to former Indiana Commerce Secretary and current Ambassador of Global Relations at Butler University, Mr James A. Schellinger, and Founder and Chairman, U.S. India SME Council, and Chairman, FICCI Committee on Aerospace and Defense, Mr Sudhakar Gande, at the fourth Annual Gala at the Indiana Roof Ballroom in Downtown Indianapolis.
On this occasion, 11 Indian American eminent personalities from different fields were also honored. They were given the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award. The recipients were Raju Chinthala, Sumeeta Bhatia, KP Singh, Bharat Gali, Javed Khan, Bharat Patel, Sravan Patharla, Dr Ajay Ponugoti, Rupal Thakker Thanawala, Ramu Chinthala and Ajay Sarin.
Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett and Sudhakar Gande handed over the awards to the recipients.
Among those present at the 4th Annual Gala were Indiana Senator Todd Young, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, Indiana Republican nominee for Secretary of State' Diego Morales, Harsharan Singh and Amarbir Singhof the Ghoman Group, CEO Sun Development and Management Bharat Patel, CEO of AxisCades Ajay Sarin and Consul General, Chicago Amit Kumar and Punjabi singer from Denmark Anita Lerche.
Masters of Ceremonies were Martin Baier and Vani Sharma
The dazzling programme began with American and Indian Anthems sung by Anitha Sharma, Vani Sharma and Jahanvi Kondeti. This was followed by welcome greetings by Raju Chinthala and Mayor Joe Hogset. Indiana Attorney general Todd Rokita also spoke on the occasion.
Consul General Amit Kumar spoke on the progress on strengthening of the relations in various fields between India and USA. Food, music and Indian dances were amazing.