Former Sarpanch Gurpreet Singh Happy and other dignitaries honored the officers of Chandigarh Police by giving them saropa, including DSP East Palak Goyal, Industrial Area Police Station Incharge Ram Ratan, Dariya Chowki Incharge Pramod Kumar and other staff members.
Happy told that a few days ago there was a stabbing incident in village Dariya. When these police officers caught the accused of this incident, the murder case done by them in Zirakpur was also revealed.
The villagers, under the chairmanship of the former sarpanch, honored them for doing this remarkable work by the police. Dignitaries of the village were present on this occasion , includes Baljit Singh Sidhu, Chaman Lal, Balihar Singh, Arun Kumar, Roshan Lal, Balveer Singh, Gurpreet Laddi, JP Rana Punch, Shivji Yadav, Om Singh Punch and others.