The Ld. Special Judge for CBI Cases, Court-1, Patna today sentenced 04 accused including Shri P.K. Singh, then Branch Manager, SBI, Nabinagar, Aurangabad(Bihar) and 03 private persons namely Shri Bishnu Kumar Singh, then Prop., Kishan Pump Center, Aurangabad; Shri Shyam Bihari Singh, then Prop., Sunil Machinery Store, Aurangabad and Shri.Ram Naresh Singh, then Prop., Durga Trader, Aurangabad to 03 years’ Rigorous Imprisonment (RI) with total fine of Rs. 2 lakh in a bank fraud case.
CBI had registered the instant case on 01.10.1991 against Shri P.K. Singh, then Branch Manager, SBI, Nabinagar, Aurangabad and others. It was alleged that accused while functioning as Branch Manager during the period 1988-90 entered criminal conspiracy with unknown persons, abused his officials position and dishonestly & fraudulently sanctioned loans to fictitious firms and to non existing persons, cheated the bank and thereby, caused wrongful loss to the bank to the tune of Rs. 4,31,383 and corresponding wrongful gain to himself and others.
During investigation, it was revealed that accused Sh. PK Singh, then BM, SBI, Nabinagar in conspiracy with private persons obtained false documents to show sanction of loan amounting to Rs. 2,28,315/- to different non-existent persons. Payment was shown to have been made by several Banker’s cheque to pvt. accused persons who deposited the same in his account and received payment on being passed by the said then Branch Manager, for having supplied the machinery/ materials to the non-existent fictitious person and thus Shri PK Singh in conspiracy with pvt. accused persons misappropriated Rs. 2,28,315/- Investigation further disclosed that Branch Manager obtained false document to show disbursement of loan to non-existent firm (owned by accused private persons).
After completion of investigation, CBI filed a chargesheet on 31.03.1995 against accused including the accused convicted and sentenced.